About Salihi İnşaat

Upon graduating from Gazi University in 1980, Ziya Salihi (Civil Engineer) started his career as the construction supervisor of a water treatment plant in Iraq, where he became the project manager later on. Meanwhile he was employed as the supervising engineer for the German PASSAVANT and British BI WATER companies.
Afterwards, in the year 1996, SALİHİ CONSTRUCTION was founded by Ziya Salihi, based in Aksaray. With the increasing demand, SALİHİ CONSTRUCTION grew day by day providing high quality service in various fields of the construction sector, on different systems and building types both at home and abroad. Those successful services were rewarded with The Senior Auditor Certificate in 2003, 25th Year Service Award in 2004 and The Certificate of Achievement in Cooperation.

SALİHİ CONSTRUCTION carries reinforced concrete and steel construction building, fresh water and various construction projects on contract.

Today, aiming to overcome these demands, with its ever-growing team of architects, engineers and technical staff and equipment inventory, SALİHİ CONSTRUCTION claims it’s position in the sector with a yearly average of 100 employees.